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Memorials: Humboldt Friends Meeting

William Roger (Bill) Spencer

Date of birth

Jan. 22, 1944

Date of death

Dec. 14, 2017


Humboldt Friends Meeting

Memorial minute

William Roger Spencer was an active attender at Humboldt Friends Meeting for many years. He served on the Peace and Social Concerns Committees for both the Monthly Meeting and Pacific Yearly Meeting. He regularly attended Meeting for Worship and social events. We greatly admired his humble willingness to be of service.

Bill always wore his felt hat with prayer beads and a feather attached. His positive attitude, even during years of poor health, was an admirable and inspiring attribute that will be missed. Bill was sober twenty years and was an active member of the AA community.

His final days struggling with the devastating effects of several strokes kept him in hospitals while many Friends brought him food, entertainment and loving support until the end. We hold his passing in the Light while we remember his many contributions to our Meeting and our world.