Our dear friend Tommy left us on August 30, 2021. He was born Thomas Edward Wittick in Coos Bay, Oregon, to parents Mary Jane and George Wittick on August 25, 1951. He joined sisters, Mary Lee and Barbara Ann. Tommy grew up and went to schools in Portland, attending Benson Polytechnic HS, Klamath Union HS, and Portland’s Free HS. From there he obtained job training through the Job Corps.
In his early 20s Tom began his long journey with schizophrenia. Eventually, with valiant support from his mother and sisters, he learned to live with the voices, discerning what was real and what wasn’t. In the past 15 years he was actively involved with a group of activists named Hearing Voices. Their goal was to find a way to cooperate with Portland Police to calm people in crisis with peer support.
Tommy was definitely an optimist. We never heard him complain. Besides reading he had some hobbies. For example, he occasionally entertained us with magic tricks and reading his poetry. He was a voracious reader. He carried his bulging bookbag everywhere.
His early interest in politics and his commitment to pacifism led him to Eugene Friends Meeting. Eventually he moved to Portland and transferred his membership to Bridge City Friends Meeting. Besides attending worship, Tommy liked opportunities, both spiritual and social, to gather with Friends. Whenever possible he attended Yearly and Quarterly Meetings. He was a regular attender of the Quarterly Meeting Men’s Retreat. Tommy was always involved in Meeting concerns and a regular user of our library. His ministry among us became more and more grounded. Tommy was a valued member of Bridge City Friends Meeting. We miss him.