Berkeley Friends Church mourns the death of John Henry Maurer, our brother in Christ and a beloved part of our community. His death on July 29, 2021 has left a hole in hearts and in our fellowship. He most recently has served as clerk of the meeting, a member of Ministry and Counsel, and a member of the Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns committee. Over decades of faithful service, John served in many other ways, encouraging others with his thoughtfulness, perseverance and steadfastness. One of John’s most committed works among us was his support of the Berkeley Food Pantry. As a volunteer with this ministry, he lived out Jesus’ command to feed the hungry as he drove vans to pick up food, organized supplies and welcomed guests. John was involved in the Western Association of the Religious Society of Friends and known among the other Berkeley Quaker meetings. He was a loved facilitator for the Alternative to Violence Project. John’s spirit was one that always longed for unity, righteousness and peace. We thank God for his time with us and for a life faithfully lived in service to God and neighbor.