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Memorials: Eastside Friends Meeting

John David Heywood

Date of birth

March 14, 1933

Date of death

Nov. 23, 2017


Eastside Friends Meeting

Memorial minute

John David Heywood, age 84, passed away on November 23, 2017 in Bellevue, Washington. Dave was a member of Eastside Friends Meeting for over fifty years, serving in various leadership roles. For several years, Dave represented the Quaker faith when he served as a member of the Church Council of Greater Seattle Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

Dave graduated from Earlham College and the University of Chicago School of Medicine.  He practiced internal medicine, hematology, and oncology in Bellevue for twenty-one years.

Dave had a deep commitment to peace and social justice.  He served on the Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility Board of Directors for eleven years. He also worked with Cops and Docs (a school outreach program to reduce violence), Washington Truth in Recruiting (providing high schools with information on military recruiting), Eastside Peace and Justice Committee, and Veterans for Peace.

Dave is survived by his wife Carol; children Steve, Alan, and MaryAnne; and eight grandchildren.