Dorothy (Dotty) Campbell began attending Claremont (CA) Monthly Meeting with her husband J.Arthur (Art) Campbell in the mid-1970’s and became a member in 1985. She attended regularly until the mid-2000’s when the frailties of age began to limit her mobility. She served on more than a half-dozen Meeting committees in her active years including continual service through most of those years with Flower Arranging and in providing support and comfort for others as part of the Caring Committee.
Oldest of four children and the only daughter, born April 18, 1915 to parents Fannie and Herbert Carnell, Dotty grew up singing and playing piano and organ in the Baptist churches where her father served as minister. In later years she would sometimes offer ministry to Claremont Meeting about her reflections on the verses of the old hymns which she knew so well when their melodies, played by the nearby Baptist Church bells, were audible during Meeting for Worship.
Claremont became the home of the Campbells in 1956 when Art’s career move (totally supported by Dotty) brought him to Claremont as a founding chemistry professor at Harvey Mudd College (HMC) where he stayed until his retirement. Dotty’s role as hostess and mentor to students and the younger faculty families joining the new HMC enterprise is deeply appreciated to this day. Her culinary skills and hospitality were legendary and were nostalgically spoken of by HMC colleagues, as well as her daughters’ Claremont High classmates, attending her Memorial Meeting held Saturday, January 14, 2012 at Claremont Friends Meetinghouse,
Though very active in a variety of college and community affairs in Claremont, Dotty also relished the time she spent in other countries. While Art was sharing his scientific skills around the world, Dotty immersed herself in local culture, becoming familiar with the foods and crafts as well as establishing truly cross-cultural bonds with many people in different walks of life. Items of clothing and jewelry she acquired on her travels were worn over many years by this committed world citizen with a style and panache that warmed the hearts of those who knew and loved her
Dotty’s long, loving, and gracious life ended September 19, 2011 in the Health Center of Mount San Antonio Gardens (Pomona, CA) with her daughter at her side. Dotty Campbell is survived by her daughters Ellae Elmwood of San Diego, CA and Christine North of Seal Rock,OR as well as six grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
She was predeceased by her husband J. Arthur Campbell and a granddaughter.