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Memorials: Multnomah Friends Meeting

Barbara (Barb) Janoe

Date of birth

June 24, 1931

Date of death

Sept. 15, 2019


Multnomah Friends Meeting

Memorial minute

Barbara Lois Travis was born in Los Angeles June 24, 1931, to Flora Lois Crane and Frank Gilbert Travis. She died Sept 15, 2019, at home with her son and daughter by her side. In the days before her death she had special time with her family. They read to her, sang to her, shared photo albums, ice cream, hugs and some laughs. She remained lucid and clear. 

Barb graduated from Occidental College with a BA in Elementary Education. She taught in Washington, DC; Monterey, CA; and Portland, OR. In 1955, Barb married Paul Gardner in Monterey, CA. They had two children: Blair, born in 1958, and Brennan, born in 1959. 

Barb and Paul were introduced to Quakerism in the early 60s by the children’s preschool teacher in Berkeley, CA where Paul was studying. Paul became ill around this time with Hodgkin’s Disease. Barb’s father, Frank, died suddenly at the age of 60 in January 1963. Her mother, Lois, died in January, 1964. Her husband, Paul, died in December 1964. 

Within a short time, Barb had lost her most significant family members. Friends and neighbors helped her get through this time. She and the kids relocated to the Portland area and moved into her parents’ house in Parkrose. 

She continued teaching for a year or so in Portland, but found the balance of work and young children was not for her. She became a homemaker, which was much more suitable to her private and contemplative nature. 

In 1972, she married Ed Janoe. They spent much of their life together in central Oregon, where they had a marvelous garden and a view of the river far below and mountains on the horizon. Barb and Ed co- authored several books on family and relationships and a children’s book, Daniel Goes to Meeting. 

Barb and Ed visited all the Monthly Meetings and Worship Groups in North Pacific Yearly Meeting on behalf of its outreach committee, and served for six years as NPYM Junior Friends’ advisors. Barb clerked NPYM for three years, and served twice as clerk of Multnomah Monthly Meeting. She also clerked Willamette Quarterly Meeting. Over her six decades of Quaker practice, she held membership in five monthly meetings: Berkeley (CA), Twin Cities (MN), Multnomah, Salem and Bridge City (OR). 

In about 2009, Barb and Ed returned to Portland to be closer to family. Ed died in 2012. The next year, Barb formed a household with Blair and Blair’s husband, Bob. 

At her heart, Barb was an artist. She was gifted at sewing, needlework, embroidery, drawing and writing. Most gifts she gave were handmade and very thoughtfully conceived. For years she handmade birthday cards, tailored to the individual. Each year she created her own calendars with seasonal collages made from clippings from her art magazines. 

Her longest lasting passions were Quakerism and folk dancing. She was engaged in these things until she was unable. As recently as two years ago, she was teaching a folk dance class at a local retirement center and participating in the practical and spiritual life of Bridge City Friends Meeting. 

Barb was an avid reader and film watcher. She loved order, color, birds, flowers, quiet, dance and cooking. 

A Memorial Meeting for Barb was held at the Multnomah Meeting House in Portland, Oregon, under the care of Bridge City Friends Meeting, on November 5, 2019.