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Pages tagged "Mysticism"

God Came to Visit

Rick Ells is a member of University Meeting in Seattle, WA (NPYM).

On Captivity (January 2018)

Love in the Desert

A story about Jim Corbett and friends.

On Difference (July 2015)

Mysticism and Magic

When I was in college, I took a class called Medieval Mysticism.  I had high expectations for that class.  I wanted something much more than an academic experience.  I wanted something much more than a grade on my transcript.  Yes!  I wanted to hear the voice of God in my ears.  I wanted to see a vision.  I wanted to feel the presence of God in a way that would change my life forever.

On Deception (November 2013)

On Captivity

We have been created with gifts – awareness, comprehension, will, empathy – to do the work of Life. We can play with these gifts – and it is only by playing with them that we learn to use them well – but in play we risk falling into traps of self-indulgence, we risk blunting and distorting the vital purposes of our gifts and our lives.

On Captivity (January 2018)

Practical Mystics

Dear Editor: We Quakers have been called practical mystics. The title of our handbook makes it plain: Faith and Practice. Our prayer and our witness are a tightly woven fabric. Inseparable yet unique. The warp and woof of our witness. We cannot have one without the other. This is our charism. And our challenge.

On Heritage (July 2016)

Quaker Culture: Harmonious Wholeness

Instead of wanting to go to heaven, the practical mystic wants heaven to come down to earth.

On Water (March 2019)