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A search result that only shows a person’s name often links to a list of articles written by that person.

Stories of Spiritual Healing (review)

Kwang-Hee Park is an adjunct professor, chaplain, healer, and counselor. She is a Christocentric Quaker. In her professional work, she listens to people tell their stories.

On Seeds (November 2023)


Be still – free of time and space.

Be free – in the eternal and the infinite.

On Seeds (November 2023)

Seeds That Became a Yearly Meeting

The approach of Intermountain Yearly Meeting’s 50th anniversary in 2024 has me thinking back to the years before IMYM existed.

On Seeds (November 2023)

Planting Seeds of Community

Karen Grizez watched as a mother, holding her hungry infant, received a cup of goat’s milk from a member of the local women’s group.

On Seeds (November 2023)