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Ordering - Long Distance Walking

Dear Editor: A big thank you to Rob Pearson for his delightful review of Rebecca Henderson’s book, Long distance Walking in New Mexico and Colorado, in the September/October 2019 issue of Western Friend. To obtain a copy of this book, here’s how: Send a check for $20, made out to Coletta Reid & Associates, to Pelican Lee, 730-F Columbia St., Santa Fe NM 87505.

On Mediation (January 2020)

The Dreamer

To dream Is to stand at the Gate of Creation, arms akimbo, one foot planted firmly at the Edge of Eternity. The other foot solidly moored In the Patterns of Reality. Your body humming with the Eternal Dichotomy of advancement and retreat as one’s life proceeds to the warm, unknowable embrace of non-being. To many, this journey can disappoint or it can be the final point in a masterful life.

On Vision (January 2021)

Disclosures and Wonder

Recently, I joined a new group on social media and was asked to introduce myself, to say a bit about where I was from, and to share a little-known fact about myself. Immediately, I started sorting through personal details. Should I pick something big – share about my family, say, or my work? Or open with something small – my favorite ice cream flavor?

On Secrets (July 2020)

Etude for Belonging (review)

Curiosity sent me to the dictionary to look up “etude” before opening this poetry collection.

On Cliques (September 2021)

The Future of the Religious Society of Friends

Dear Friends: Ben Lomond Quaker Center (California) and Elsie K. Powell House (New York) are pleased to invite you to a seven-part series of retreats that we are cosponsoring September 2022 through June 2023, concerning the health and future of the Religious Society of Friends. The year-long series is called “Testimonies to Mercy.”

On Cooperation (September 2022)