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A search result that only shows a person’s name often links to a list of articles written by that person.

Picture Forever

Here is a coloring page for you.

On Time (March 2014)

Six Bold Colors

This coloring page takes a lot of patience. (You can leave the spaces marked "7" blank if you want.)

On Pride (July 2014)

Family Celebration

This is a coloring page that takes some imagination.

On Family (September 2014)

Same and Different

Coloring activity for all ages!

On Difference (July 2015)

On Heelers

In the world of working dogs, there is a breed called Blue Heeler or Australian Cattle Dog. The names derive from these dogs’ inborn tendency to work cattle from behind, their origins in Australia, and the typical “blue” coloring of their fur. They are often somewhat aggressive and may need to be approached with caution.

On Healers (September 2023)