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A search result that only shows a person’s name often links to a list of articles written by that person.

Friends, Veterans, and the Military

I remember what it felt like, during the last two years of the Vietnam War, to go into town wearing my US Navy uniform.  Often, I felt invisible.  Sometimes, just silly. Frequently, I got the cold shoulder. A couple of times things got close to getting physical.  I was called a “paid killer” at my neighborhood food coop by someone who couldn’t read the shoulder insignia that identified me as a Hospital Corpsman and noncombatant.  He knew nothing about me, my job, my personal history, or my values.

On War (January 2013)

If We Don't Build it

(Please note: It is understood that Rrace is a social construct. There is no biologically meaningful concept of “different races” among humanity. For the purpose of this article, I use terms that may seem to imply distinctions or divisions between groups of people that do not exist biologically. These distinctions are artifices drawn by human culture, politics, and economics. There is only one race, the human race. – Delcy Steffy)

On Superiority (July 2013)

Not by Our Strength Alone - Unabridged

Not by My Strength Alone: Laboring Together Beyond Our Comfort Zones

On Love (September 2013)

Invitation to FWCC in Sacramento

To Friends everywhere: What will be the future of Friends in the 21st Century?  What must we do and be to truly undo the blockages that keep the Living Water from flowing in us and through us individually and corporately?  Do we know what purposes God would have us serve?  How do we communicate across cultural and language lines?  Who will lead and how will we lead?

On Patriotism (January 2014)