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A search result that only shows a person’s name often links to a list of articles written by that person.

Call to IMYM Annual Gathering 2013 - Unabridged

39th Annual Gathering, "Simplicity and Ecojustice”

On Power (March 2013)

The Meaning of Life in Twenty Words

“There is that near you, which will guide you; oh! wait for it, and be sure ye keep to it.” - Isaac Penington (1616-1679)

On Deception (November 2013)

A Short History of Ben Lomond Quaker Center - Review

A Short History of Ben Lomond Quaker Center by John deValcourt

On Time (March 2014)

Integrity Investment

Shelley’s Story: Imagine a billion dollars being taken out of fossil fuel development and more than a billion being put into renewable energy. This is exactly what the University of California (UC) did in 2020. What did it take for UC to divest from fossil fuels in such a big way?

On Vision (January 2021)

Driving as a Spiritual Discipline

During the March 2014 gathering of the Friends World Committee for Consultation, I stayed with other Friends at a hostel where we had a bible study each morning before breakfast. Not long ago, I was rather averse to bible study, but I have come to value it immensely when it’s read as Friends often do – “in the Spirit” – sharing how the passages speak to us individually. It was after such a session that I found myself pondering how following traffic laws might be a good spiritual practice.

On Temptation (November 2014)