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A search result that only shows a person’s name often links to a list of articles written by that person.

Call to IMYM Annual Gathering 2013 - Unabridged

39th Annual Gathering, "Simplicity and Ecojustice”

On Power (March 2013)

Weighty Friends and Quaker Pharisees

Wouldst thou be a prophet, or perhaps a saint? Alas, he who thinks he is, most likely aint.                 William Bacon Evans (1875-1964), Quaker writer and weighty Friend.

On Power (March 2013)

Feeling Light Within, I Walk - Review

Feeling Light Within, I Walk: Tales, Adventures & Reflections of a Quaker Activist

On Superiority (July 2013)

A Letter from 1900

Editors Friends' Intelligencer:

On Love (September 2013)

Collaborators - Review

Collaborators by Deborah Wheeler

On Patriotism (January 2014)

White America’s Myth of the Black Male

I received more reaction to my posting, The Iconification of Nelson Mandela and American Racism, than for any other of the 257 postings that I had done in almost seven years. Some of the responses were supportive, some critical, and some “yes, but.” Below is my original newsletter article, followed by a sampling of the responses.

On Patriotism (January 2014)

A Quaker Patriotism

Find a lesson plan here, for using this article with children in First Day School.

On Patriotism (January 2014)

A Short History of Ben Lomond Quaker Center - Review

A Short History of Ben Lomond Quaker Center by John deValcourt

On Time (March 2014)