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Global Blue-Green Zone for COP28

Despite its significant limitations, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the principal setting for the international community to gather and confront our catastrophically destabilizing global climate. As the need for ambitious action from governments becomes more urgent, broader public engagement with the UNFCCC also becomes more urgent. Grassroots involvement is critical for assuring that negotiations are both effective and equitable.

On Dignity (July 2023)

On Heelers

In the world of working dogs, there is a breed called Blue Heeler or Australian Cattle Dog. The names derive from these dogs’ inborn tendency to work cattle from behind, their origins in Australia, and the typical “blue” coloring of their fur. They are often somewhat aggressive and may need to be approached with caution.

On Healers (September 2023)

On Conflict

Jan / Feb 2023

On Perception

Mar / Apr 2023

On Loss

May / Jun 2023

On Dignity

Jul / Aug 2023

On Healers

Sep / Oct 2023